Friday, March 13, 2015

The Universe and its Hidden Potential

Throughout history humans have come and gone in this physical reality without truly harnessing the universal ability of manifestation. The majority of the population becomes lost in their own momentary earthly problems; indeed, living in the moment is being true, but if you could do anything in the present moment what would you do?  If you could do a thing without fail, what would you do? In the past, there have been enlightened human beings who understand the ways of the overlying force known as the Universe, but the ones that wrote about such were few and far between. A 19th century american author, Henry David Thoreau had many good ideas about the world regardless of human ambitions. Thoreau once said in his work Walden, "I believe there is a subtle magnetism in nature, which if we unconsciously yield to it, will direct us alright." In other words, if you believe in this "subtle magnetism" and believe it will direct you alright, then so it shall be. When living in the moment; be the moment. Let the future and past be what they are, make peace with what has been and with what may become. All that should matter is being able to exist and being able to share your existence with other existing entities in this physical reality.

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