Tuesday, August 25, 2015

An Essay on Universal laws

Since the beginning of human history, humans have always had an innate drive to understand themselves and the world around them. This drive for understanding is one unique only to the human species due to the fact that humans are conscious beings. Science is a field popular for its drive to understand the natural world. For hundreds of years scientists have been empirically quantifying things as large as the cosmos to as little as the molecule. Scientists can comprehend these linear things with ease and can often equate them to some numbers and formulations with adamant accuracy. Man has been using science to make “breakthroughs” in understanding the natural world, although these breakthroughs could possibly be man’s downfall into an endless loop of trying to solve the unsolvable. There is a common trait almost every human is programmed with in today's society, which is to overthink things. Technology has been used as a tool to try and organize the natural world into straight lines and squares. Nature is wiggly, and there are no straight lines or geometric shapes produced by a tree or a blade of grass. Perhaps these cultural technologies and linear ways of thought have led us to push past the simplistic answer the Universe offers us. Perhaps the Universe is smarter than we are. Perhaps the layman is about as adept in manipulating the Universe as a quantum physicist. Humans created mathematics and science to help break down the most simple of processes into complex ones that the human brain has trouble understanding. Humans try to understand things from a so-called complex perspective through linear equations and other formulations, when really the answer is in simply in “feeling”. Is man’s consciousness so shallow that he can only conclude things through the use of man-made numbers and letters? Feeling is the only true way to understand the message of the Universe; in that everything you feel will reflect into the life you live presently. The Universe works so simply as to pick up on whatever frequency you’re feeling, whether it be you’re happy, sad or mad or whatever. The more you feel that way, the more of that specific feeling you will keep attracting to yourself and vice versa. The problem of human thought degraded the environment through ways of trying to control the uncontrollable. All this damage can still be reversed if we let natures homeostasis take place. If we relinquish the ever-pestering ego we can accept our planet for what it is. We humans like to use phrases like "straightening things out" or "squaring things up" or "lets iron this out". Man simply needs to realize that he knows nothing. Letting go of the ego allows one freedom from all the nonsensical tribulations one ordinary person might experience. Life is merely a game, and death is merely another blink of the eye. To be present is to find ones eternity in the moment. I am here now, so I will go now.